Welcome back to this series of blog posts where we explore the quirky world of recruitment by linking it to popular 80’s TV shows – the 2 things in life I consider myself to be experienced in and passionate about!. Today, we’re delving into the whimsical universe of ALF and drawing amusing parallels between the job application process and everyone’s favorite extraterrestrial visitor.


Lack of Feedback – ALF’s Elusive Origins

We never really learned the true origins of ALF in the show and for those who had invested hours of their freetime getting to know ALF, this did feel like a bit of a let-down. For those of you who have applied for a job recently, will know how it feels when you invest your free time to applying only to receive no feedback. It’s like sending your resume into space, hoping for some response, only to be met with radio silence. ALF’s mystery might have been entertaining and part of his charm, but a lack of feedback during the job search is far from fun for hopeful candidates and does not add any charm to employers or recruitment agencies.


Long Drawn Out Application Processes – The “Hide and Seek” Game

We often saw ALF playing hide and seek with the Tanner family. Similarly, job applicants can feel like they’re playing an endless game of hide and seek with employers. The application process can be overly complex and lengthy, with multiple rounds of interviews and assessments. It’s as if employers are hiding the keys to gainful employment, and applicants are left seeking them for what seems like an eternity.


Lack of Respect from Employers – ALF vs. The Exterminator

ALF’s interactions with the relentless exterminator provided comedic relief in the show. However, when job seekers encounter employers or agencies who don’t treat them with respect, it’s no laughing matter. Being ignored, ghosted, or treated as mere numbers can be disheartening. Just like ALF trying to convince everyone of his friendly intentions, job applicants often strive to showcase their skills, hoping for a chance to prove their worth.


The Infamous “No Problem” Catchphrase – Employers’ Empty Promises

We all fondly remember ALF’s iconic “No problem” catchphrase, but it’s not as endearing when it comes from potential employers. Applicants may hear promises of timely responses or quick decisions, only to be left waiting indefinitely. Much like ALF’s humorous antics, employers might unintentionally provide false hope, leaving job seekers feeling frustrated and unappreciated. Much like we, as viewers of the tv show took that phrase with a pinch of salt, job-seekers should alsoi do the same with recruiterts and agencies – do not be disheartened when you don’t receive feedback when expected, see that as a greenlight to chase for feedback.



In the world of job hunting, the 80’s classic ALF serves as an entertaining analogy for the struggles faced by applicants. The lack of feedback, lengthy application processes, and lack of respect can be as puzzling as ALF’s mysterious background. As recruiters and employers, let’s aim to bring more transparency, efficiency, and empathy into the hiring process. By doing so, we can ensure that job applicants feel valued and cherished, just like fans still cherish the adventures of ALF.


And finally, we come on to Project ALF, the film developed to tie up the loose endings from the TV show and perhaps to make some extra money out of the character. The failure of this film and its poor reviews from die-hard fans is often attributed to the absence of the Tanner family as it was the interactions with Alf and the different relationships he had with each of them that made it a success. This may be another link to the world of recruitment. A film revolving around ALF (the job-seeker) was not a success but a tv programme that developed the relationship with ALF and various supporting cast members over 4 years made it one of the most beloved sitcoms of a generation.


We hope this lighthearted comparison brought a smile to your face and perhaps offered some valuable insights into the recruitment process. Stay tuned for more fun-filled blog posts where we link the world of job searching to other nostalgic 80’s TV shows! Let me know your favourite tv shows and I will see what tenuous recruitment links I can find!


Thanks again to ChatGPT  for providing info for this blog.