
The Job Hunt Rollercoaster with Happy Days Wisdom

  It's time to dive headfirst back into the world of recruitment with a nostalgic twist by comparing it to the unforgettable 80's TV show, Happy Days. Grab your leather jackets, slick back your hair, and let's take a trip down memory lane and see how those famous...

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Taking a break – The Secret Sauce for Success

Let's talk about the importance of taking a break, whether you're in the corporate jungle or hunting for that perfect job. Trust me, it's the secret sauce for success! 🍲 We all work tirelessly to achieve our goals and ambitions, and sometimes, it feels like we're...

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ALF and the frustrating job ALF-lication process!

Welcome back to this series of blog posts where we explore the quirky world of recruitment by linking it to popular 80's TV shows - the 2 things in life I consider myself to be experienced in and passionate about!. Today, we're delving into the whimsical universe of...

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An Ode to The Recruitment Consultant

As recruitment consultants often get bad press, we thought we could write a poem to help remind us of their qualities we all love so much!!   In the realm of jobs, where chaos resides, Recruitment consultants take us for rides. With their calls and emails, they...

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Newly Qualified ACA – The Next Step

Navigating Your Career Path and Exploring Top Job Choices Congratulations on nearing the completion of your 3-year training contract with one of the prestigious Big 4 Accountancy firms! As you approach the threshold of becoming a qualified chartered accountant, it's...

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Technology and Its Impact on the Legal Industry

Technology and Its Impact on the Legal Industry Technology can be broadly defined as using scientific processes and tools to solve a range of problems. In this blog post, we will focus primarily on using digital technology in the legal industry. The legal industry is...

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Time to set and achieve your goals

Why have you been so successful in reaching some of your goals, but not others? If you aren't sure, you are far from alone in your confusion. It turns out that even brilliant, highly accomplished people are pretty lousy when it comes to understanding why they succeed...

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